Link Road May 2014 update

On 27th May 2014, Cabinet met and according to the minutes: approved the findings of the Preferred Route Assessment report, namely that a modified hybrid of the Red and Purple routes be taken forward as the preferred route.


In the village we refer to this route as the “southern one” that comes out near Tan Barns. A plan of the route is here.

The full minutes and associated documents can be found by clicking here and looking at item 8.

The Parish Council has yet to be formerly notified of this decision but some local residents have already received notifications of this preferred route. The Parish Council has met with MP David Rutley who is sympathetic to the village’s concerns, and shares our views that the existing A536 requires significant improvements to help mitigate the impact of additional traffic through the village, and he has passed these concerns onto the Leader of the Council, Michael Jones.

Within the Link Road Report there is the following clause that outlines how mitigating measures will need to be taken throughout the village. To this end the Parish Council are compiling a list of measures to be reviewed at a further meeting with David Rutley MP and Michael Jones, Leader of the Council.

Item 10.27 – “It is clear that a range of off site mitigation measures will need to be developed in consulation with affected communities. This should include traffic management measures on Padgbury Lane, Wallhill Lane and the A536 Through Eaton. Any proposals will need to be included and committed as part of any future planning application for the link road.”

If you have any contributions you wish to make to these measures please email: with your thoughts before the end of June.