Within this section you’ll find information on the latest stage of the plan and all the supporting documentation.
Latest Update
As you will be aware the neighbourhood planning referendum for Eaton is taking place on Thursday 6 May 2021. Below are the latest documents for your information.
Eaton neighbourhood plan referendum version
Eaton referendum summary document
As many of you will now be aware we have set up a Neighbourhood Planning Team within the parish to pull together our local plan. The team comprises: John Bradburn, John Goodwin, Tamsin MacCormack, Andy Mitchell, Neil Thorpe and Steve Waltho.
We have now completed the first stage of the plan and our neighbourhood area and team has been approved. You can find all the information on it here: Decision Notice.
After that we embarked on a mammoth survey of all the village, collated the results and then prepared a report and presentation for the village. These two documents plus FAQs from the presentation evening can be found below:
We have now engaged with e*scape – architectural landscape specialists who have extensive knowledge in helping input to Neighbourhood Plans within Cheshire East. Here is a link to the document that they produced Landscape & Village Character Assessment.
The outputs from this landscape analysis plus the feedback from the village questionnaire and presentation evening were all briefed into Cheshire Community Action – an organisation the helps support neighbourhood planning within Cheshire.
We are almost ready to share our first draft of the Eaton Neighbourhood Plan, and will be advising all parties with an interest in due course.
The plan should represent the needs of all the parish so please do make sure you engage with us, share your ideas and help us create a plan to preserve the unique character of our parish. If you would like to email us any thoughts, suggestions or feedback please get in touch with us at plan.eaton@google.co.uk
Below are a number of supporting documents that may be of interest including: the application for the plan boundary, the area submission document, the Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire, the Strategic Environmental Report (SEA) and the Eaton Housing Needs Advice Report.