Firstly, the council members are continuing to meet with Cheshire East regarding the speed and other problems on the A536. We will keep reporting through the magazine on the developing situation. We do need to keep a note of any instances however minor on the road and report these for recording on 101. Only with this information can we keep the pressure on.
We now have the speed gun and jackets to enable those who have volunteered for speed watch to undergo training and make a start. We have names and we will keep in contact.
By time of reading the defibrillator should be in position in the old phone kiosk which has now been repainted and restored to its former glory.
A big thank you to personnel from The Plough who undertook all the clearing up and disposal following the visit from the ‘travellers’. Not a pleasant duty.
Unfortunately, the incidence of dog fouling has increased and we would ask owners – many of whom we know do so – to clear up after their pets. It is very unpleasant to step in and more so for children playing in the area.
Finally, there is a problem in hedges not being trimmed back. This is causing difficulties particularly on the footpath between Crauford Road houses and the main road and has stopped the council being able to cut the hedge and has made the path very difficult to walk. There are other areas also and we would ask owners to please inspect their hedges and keep the paths clear.
Next meeting in the hall at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 26th September.
Dorothy Waite – Clerk – tel. 276385 – e mail