Parish Council Report – July 2014

As already reported, Cheshire East have decided that the southern route is their preference and we are aware of the impact this will have on the village. The Parish council opened up the meeting on 8th July to residents to receive the proposals of the Council and put forward their individual concerns and suggestions. These will be placed before the leader of Cheshire East at a meeting on 25th July. The Council thanks all those who took the time to attend and comment.
Cllr. McCormack has made excellent progress in extending the scope of the Council website and will be pleased to receive notice of any village activities or events. The website address is Additional signs have been erected to stop HGV vehicles using School Lane to access the sand quarry and hopefully these will be successful. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Tuesday 9th September in the Church Hall at 7.00pm.
                        D. Waite – Clerk to the Council.