The Council has been made aware that there may be a revision to the link road route on the A536 as it approaches the double bend. There is a further consultation period from 5thto 6th March which includes this change and The Council will report again following this consultation. Up to date information on the new route and links to the Cabinet meeting minutes where the issue was discussed can be found at within the Parish Council section.
The next Tarmac liaison meeting at the quarry will be on Wednesday 4th February at 2.00 pm. and the usual delegates are asked to note this.
Cllr. Tamsin MacCormack would like a note of any local events or news for the website. Also if anyone wishes to find out more about the proposed broadband roll out for Eaton including a map of the areas covered and links to register interest these can be found within the Parish Council section of the website.
Following the great display of daffodils last year, the Council has decided to enter the Best Kept Village Competition again. Litter and tidy gardens figure high on the judges list and your help in boosting us to the top is requested.
The next meeting of the Council will be on Tuesday the 10th of March in the Church Hall at 7.00 pm.
Dorothy Waite – Clerk and RFO