November Report
On the link road, further meetings have taken place with Cheshire East to see how improvements can be made and these discussions are ongoing.
Plans received for Moss Farm development of 242 homes and we have expressed our concerns on the effect this will have on traffic through the village. We are in discussion with highways regarding the ongoing condition of the footpath down to Congleton.
We thank Cllr. Tamsin MacCormack for the continuing improvements to the website. It now covers lots of village history, events etc. and can be viewed on
Following full discussion, the precept for 2015/16 has been agreed at £3994. Residents are reminded that last year was a one off when we deducted the possible cost of School Lane verge cutting. A clean report has been received from the external auditor on the council accounts.
The next meeting will be in the Church Hall on Tuesday the 13th of January 2015 at 7.00 pm.