It is with sadness that we record the death of Ray Dobson, following a long illness. Ray served the council over a number of years and assisted in many aspects of the running of the council. The Council sends it’s condolences to Wenda at this time.
Thank you to the owners of the Plough for allowing us the use of the Barn for our meeting and also for the improvements to the outside of the inn.
We would remind residents of the importance of noting any traffic incidents in the village and reporting these for our records to Cllr. John Coates.
We have put in a request for speed check measure on the A536 and this will come up for a decision at a meeting in Macclesfield on the 30th of September.
There is a great need for high speed broadband in the village and residents need to register their interest both with BT and Cheshire East. There will be a flyer coming round soon with details of where to register. “If you want high speed broadband then you need to act”. Mr. John Bradburn attended the residents’ period to ask about broadband and offered to help in the publicity for this.
The PCC and the Village Amenities Fund have worked really hard on the improvements to the village hall and at this meeting the council voted to donate £1000 from reserves to the EVAF for the purchase of 80 new chairs for the improved hall.
The next meeting of the Council will be in the hall on Tuesday 10th November at 7.00 pm D. Waite – Clerk