The Eaton WI was formed in 1954 and so this year we are celebrating our 60th anniversary. We have already had our anniversary meal, party and taken part in the Daffodil Festival by organising a coffee/bazaar/ploughman’s lunch event from which we donated £150 to Marie Curie Nurses. We also took part in the flower festival in the Church.
We are part of the Cloud Group which has 10 W.I. branches and we meet twice yearly for our group meeting with lots of interesting speakers. In turn our Group is part of the Cheshire Federation and here again we have to Federation meetings each year in Winsford with a special speaker and this year it is Prue Leith,
We currently have around 26 members but when formed back in 1954 we had 75 which shows the changing social need from then. We are a very welcoming institute, any interested person can come along for two meetings entirely free, and if then you wish to join us the annual subscription is £34.70 which gives 10 meetings with speakers, one social evening and the Christmas Party (we have this in the hall with a caterer which we all pay for) plus entitlement to go to the group and federation meetings.
Each year, in October, we have organised a special themed event to which husbands, friends etc. are invited. We have had numerous themes from countries, Hollywood musicals, the 1920s, Country and Western , the 1940s etc. and this year, as we were formed in the 50s, we are going with the Big Band era and we have a vocalist. As well as the entertainment we have a grand buffet meal with wine. Unfortunately all the tickets have gone, which they do every year. Many people dress with the theme and we have had girls in grass skirts, Charleston dancer, orientals, Indian braves, sailors, a spiv and the King of Siam. Not all Jam and Jerusalem for us.
Last year we won a bursary and this year we have spent it on classes in the hall on flower arranging and cake decoration. Our programme we hope to spread widely and this have covered history, magic, nature, ecology and food – so hopefully something for all.